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TUTORIAL: DIY Natural Aloe Mucus Hair Serum


Hola Ladies, how was your day?
I want to share about hair loss, an usual thing that could make we feel stressed, right? Hair loss seems so usual, everybody gets it somehow in lifes.

Hair loss could be caused of many problems: aging, depression, lot of thoughts, lack of sleep, chemotherapy, wrong shampoo, ponytail everyday, hormone, etc.
Scientist says that normally, hair falls 50-100 every day. (OMG can you imagine that, how could that be count as “normal”??? In a week there will be 350 at least, Ladies!)

I feel so sad whenever I see my hair falls down from my head L I try many shampoo and the result was just same. Then I asked my mother how to deal with this problem. She said aloe is good for our head follicle, it is an ancient recipe that not expensive at all.

Let’s do this, Ladies! In this tutorial, I want to share how to say goodbye to hair loss with nature heroes, aloe vera! DIY Aloe mucus hair serum! Yeay!

The theories:

ALOE (hair root stronger hero)
1.     1. Buy fresh aloe, just buy as much as you need.
2.     2. Cut and make it two.
3.     3. Squeeze and swipe to generate its mucus.
4.     4. Smear the mucus into your scalp softly
5.     5. Wait until 20 - 30 minutes.
6.     6. Take a bath, and wash your hair with shampoo
7.     Do this twice a week, and see the result J

GREEN TEA (antioxidant hero)
1.     1. Buy green tea.
2.     2. Brew the tea bag in the hot water, wait until it becomes warm, not too hot.
3.     3. Spread the tea into your scalp softly, make sure only scalp, not the hair shaft, ok?
4.     4. Wait until 20 - 30 minutes.
5.     5. Take a bath, and wash your hair with shampoo
6.     Do this twice a week, and see the result J

But for this time, I will just show you how to do with aloe because I think the treatment with green tea is easy and clear enough, right? :D

All you need is just some of aloes, knife, small towel, and big hair clip (optional). Ah! And do this before bath ;)

Cut in the middle, do not let the aloe dry, because what we need is the mucus. Remember, the mucus, not the flesh!

Cut the skin of the aloes lightly, don't be spendthrift. By the way, that is not my hand! They were my family Nanny's hand :) She helped me cutting the aloes, while I captured that moment just for you, Ladies! ^3^

This is the most important part, slice the flesh lightly, not too thick, more light and slim, more mucus you get :)

Then we almost finish! Quick! Spread the mucus as much as you can into your scalp and hair. Layers per layers, be patient and yes, beauty is pain :LOL:
Do a little soft massage to your scalp, but don't be too strong!

Warp your hair with small towel and clip with whatever you have, just to make your hair still in one warp, so you won't get messed up :)

silly face ^^:
Wait for at about 30 minutes and then go to bath, shampooing your hair, and you are finish!!

Treatment doesn’t help if we do not take a good and serious care to our scalp. Make these check lists for your healthy scalp and hair:
1. Sleep enough
2. Drink mineral water much
3. Don't think too much!
4. Don't smoke
5. Don't make a ponytail hair too strong too often
6. Be happy always :D

That's all I can share today, Ladies~!
I hope you understand my language and tutorial, this is the best I can do, and sorry that I canno make a video for you because no one hold the camera! Hahahah :(

I hope this will help you to say goodbye with hair loss!


  1. i've been doing this for my face, whenever i have a very bad breakout because i'm using foundie, etc ((T_T) I love makeup but y skin can't take it *sight)
    pimples, skin rash and my skin peeling.. literally!
    so, i dab lemon on my pimples wait for 10 minutes, and spread aloe vera all over my face..
    So far.. the best remedy for my breakout..

    1. woaaa :( so you now have found the solution? i feel happy for you too ^^

  2. I think number one is the solution to everything - sleep enough! Unfortunately I'm not so good at that :( Hope the aloe solution works for you

  3. hasilnya gimanaa? *w*)
    wah rajin yah ngituin sendirii :)

    1. hahha lumayan sih ngurang rontoknya. tpi musti rajinnnn >D<

  4. whooaaa cool.
    I also have serious hair fall, as if I suffered cancer lol.
    but this treatment looks complicated for the busy ones.
    but traditional way is better, rite? Hehe..

    1. yes dear, more nature is good for your health :D

  5. Hmm, I don't think aloe is sold like that in my country D:
    Otherwise, I'd love to try~~

    Also, thank you for commenting my blog! ^^ I'm following you now!

  6. I have the same problem! I'd definately try the aloe! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'd love it if you want to follow me too ^__^.


  7. Hi cutie :) thank you so much for visiting me!!!! <3 kisses

  8. Thanks for these tips. I've found myself losing hair over the past year or so, so will give these a go. I'm following your blog now by the way :) x

  9. I love the hello kitty mouse! Anyways, I have been experiencing lots of hair loss and from the items that you listed I did a check list and said yes to lack of sleep and bad shampoo. I absolutely dread losing hair. Thanks for the tips! I always knew that aloe is really good for the face but i didn't know you could use it in the hair as well. :)

    1. thanks :D
      yes. you should give a try, dear. don't forget to sleep enough :)

  10. Wah gua pernah nih nyoba pake lidah buaya, 3 kali pake udahan saking malesnya bok.. hahahahah

    1. HAHHAHAH dasar. iya nieee smoga g ga jadi males, abis lama bookk T_T

  11. Hi dear!
    I love so much you're blog, follow u :)
    My name in GFC is: sexy_paige_cucu.

    Hope u follow back :) :)
    A lot of kisses.

  12. That´s really cool idea dear:D lovely tutorial!
    kisses chris

  13. Thanks for the tutorial! I definitely need to take better care of my hair :)

  14. Hy Hy..
    Can I add your facebook ?

    1. sure! just walked to your blog and leave my footprints :p

  15. lovely blog girlie, i'll keep my fingers crossed that the aloe helps! let's follow each other! xx

  16. Oh wow, what great hair tips!

  17. That's a really cool DIY! I have pretty thick hair naturally, but I can pass this tip onto my friends with thinner hair! I can't believe we lose that many hairs a day, that seems like so much haha

    Pop by and visit my blog Taken By Surprise! xx


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