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Miss Rhea's 1st Giveaway 'a celebration'


Ladies, all of my lovelies, I am very happy today. I WON A DESIGN COMPETITION! May I repeat that? I. WON. A. DESIGN. COMPETITION! (^D^)/

Hehehe. Sorry for sounds like too excited, but I feel so much happy. I never won a competition before, as 21 years of my life, LOL, just 2 giveaways from Jessica Simon and Kristy Wong. The rest? I am not that lucky :p

I won a batik competition from Seven Eleven Indonesia, which I will post in the next, and I promise I will show you my batik's design that grabbed the third position for victory :D

I want to share my happiness and my price with my lovely ladies here. But sorry this giveaway is just for INDONESIA only, sorryyyy, I will make a big giveaway again internationally, if I reach 1000 followers :) lol.

These are the prices option!

of kawaii and cute stuffs

of kawaii and cute stuffs

of make-up and beauty stuffs

of make-up and beauty stuffs

I will keep the price as my little secret, but I tell you that the value of every choice are same. I want to make surprise for the winner :D

This is the rules:
1. Follow my blog via GFC
2. Follow my twitter @Lil_Rhea
3. Like my photography house Absconding Reality
4. Answer my question: "If you were lonely, who do you find to share, and what could makes you feel lonely?" (no minimum or maximum words)
5. Make a blog post about this giveaway (optional, you can do it or not, up to you)

Simple and easy right? ^^ I will COUNT every effort from you, especially from the answer of number 4 and 5.

Pleeeease leave a comment below for whose participate:
1. GFC name:_______________
2. Twitter name:_____________
3. Facebook name:___________
4. If I were lonely, I will find ___________________
    I could feel lonely when _____________________
5. My blog link: _____________________________
6. My price choice: ___________________________ (example: many but much kawaii&cute things)

Giveaway will over at 7th of December 2012

Thank you so much for visit and good luck my dearest pretty ladies!!!! <3

Miss Rhea~<3


thank you for everyone whose joined in my 1st giveaway, thanks for your love and wishes, and remarks, I am so happy to have you girls as my online girl friends lol.

this giveaway finally closed and check HERE for the winner and prizes! *kisses*


  1. Congratulations for your win :o)

  2. Hi Rhea, hope i win some ;)
    GFC name: Elszadandunia, nothingelsebutelsza, Elbwisza Hertanto
    2. Twitter name: Elbwisza Hertanto
    3. Facebook name:Elbwisza Hertanto
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my beloved mother, no doubt
    I could feel lonely when I don't have anybody for sharing, ketika saya tidak memiliki orang-orang yang saya sayang, ketika tidak ada yang memberi selamat dan bangga ketika saya sukses maupun tidak ada yang memberi semangat ketika saya jatuh dan terpuruk.
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice much but small kawai and cute make up and beauty stuffs.

    God Bless dear

    1. And congratz for you achievement dear, aku ikut senang dan proud of you. :)

  3. 1. GFC name:Lianna
    2. Twitter name:@bunnybeauty
    3. Facebook name:Bunny Beauty Cosmetica
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my phone / ipod and I will definitely play my favourite music with a very loud volume until I can't hear anything...
    I could feel lonely when I'm in a place that I don't know anyone..
    5. My blog link:
    check out my blog if you like :3
    6. My price choice: much but small makeup stuff ♥

  4. Congrats rhea~

    1. GFC name:Shasha
    2. Twitter name:@miss_belanja
    3. Facebook name: Natasha Laurensia
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my parents, my sis, my BF, and my besties. They never failed to make me cheer up and feel happy ^^
    I could feel lonely when I’m having a problem and everyone are busy with their activities. It feels like I’m all alone in this world.
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: Few but big of make-up and beauty stuffs

  5. 1. GFC name:Reezki Rizki
    2. Twitter name:@Reeeeeezki
    3. Facebook name:Rizki Savitri
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my lil brother. He always stay besides me :)
    I could feel lonely when nothing that i can do, or when i'm feeling insecure about myself
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: much but small makeup stuff

  6. 1. GFC name: Dewie Aprillia

    2. Twitter name: @dewieaprillia

    3. Facebook name: Dewie Aprillia Soebardi II

    4. If I were lonely, I will find a lot of inspiration on my kratif sperti DIY projects and a very useful thing for the life of me.
    I could feel lonely when
    I remember my mom and dad, I really miss them. I have not seen them in a long time and it makes me hurt, cry and want to scream loudly, but I'm not always sad because I have a husband and a little princess. mother, father, husband and my daughter are my happiness ^ ^

    5. My blog link:

    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

  7. 1. GFC name: Jessica Liani Suwitro

    2. Twitter name: jcliani

    3. Facebook name: Sparkling Gee

    4. If I were lonely, I will find Jesus, talk to Him in prayer will make me peaceful, also my lil sis, always fun talking to her, discuss about boys, beauty, bags, shopping. She is part of me too.. I will also find beauty group in FB, chatting, feels like I can meet many people talking about the same interest and hobby.
    I could feel lonely when I have problem with my bf, have nothing to do, boring. When everyone seems have their own way but I'm still like missing in the middle of nowhere. Bored with the same jobs, and need some excitement. Missing my friends, as I went back to my home after I graduated. My sis also out of town. It just feels like don't have anyone closer to talk to..

    5. My blog link:

    6. My price choice: MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuffs

  8. 1. GFC name: Inge Lakawa
    2. Twitter name:@ILakawa
    3. Facebook name: Inge Lakawa
    4. If I were lonely, I will find someone to talk to
    I could feel lonely when theres no one to talk
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuffs

    congratulation yeah ^^

  9. 1. GFC name: Frizielia
    2. Twitter name: @frizieliarusly
    3. Facebook name: Frizielia Rusly Wilowry
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my labtop and search alot of things in internet until make me busy and not feel lonely again ( just because i can spend alot of time on my labtop )
    I could feel lonely when all of my friends and parents are busy, and no time to talk
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: ___________________________ (example: many but much kawaii&cute things)

    1. ketinggalan price nya : much but small (beauty stuff) <3

      anyway, congrats yah dear~

  10. 1. GFC name: BarbieGothic elizabeth
    2. Twitter name : @ElizabethSuiLi
    3. Facebook name : Elizabeth Sui Li (Barbiegothic)
    4. If I were lonely, I will find mp3_listen the music until I sleep or I will find my laptop and play a game.
    I could feel lonely when theres no one to talk.
    5. My blog link :
    6. My price choice : MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuffs

  11. 1. GFC name:Erna Wijaya
    2. Twitter name:@_nayschoonheid
    3. Facebook name:Erna Wijaya
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my mother or my sister to sharing each other
    I could feel lonely when someone who i love gone away from me
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

    Btw congrats dear~ ^^ so proud of you

  12. Hello bello Rhea! :D

    1. GFC name: Alexandra
    2. Twitter: @laydeehgaga
    3. Facebook: Alexandra Cynthia Gunawan
    4. If I were lonely, I would find my older brother - if he's not there, then i'll find my friends.
    I could feel lonely when all of my friends have their own boyfriends (or a guy to talk to), and i'm still single - eating ice cream all by myself lol!
    5. Blog:
    6. Price choice: I want the 'few but big makeup stuffs' :P hihi..

  13. First, congratulation \(^^)/

    1. GFC name: Sabrina Tedjokusuma
    2. Twitter name: @SabrinaTe
    3. Facebook name: Sabrina Tedjokusuma
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my playlist, my mom, my BF, my besties ;) I'm an introvert. Jadi, dengerin lagu adalah jalan paling menyenangkan aku :D Kalau ada mama di rumah, aku bisa manja2 ke mama. Atau telfon pacarku kalau dia lagi engga sibuk :) Atau kalau lagi malas duduk dan ngapa2in, pinginnya tiduran aja, aku bakal bbman sama temen2ku :) Dari ngobrol dan direspon aja rasanya 'selangit' :p
    I could feel lonely when nobody home, miss my dad so damn much, miss my brother, PMS (LOL but true! ROFL) :>
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: few but big of make-up and beauty stuffs

    Btw thanks for this giveaway *.*

  14. Hello Rhea, salam kenal, n congratz yaa ^^

    1. GFC name : Patricia Lee
    2. Twitter name : @patricialee_kr
    3. Facebook name : Patricia Lee
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my family and my BF, they always make me smile, make me feel happy, make me forget all of the problem or something that make me feel lonely, I can't live without them, along with the people I love is the most important ^^
    I could feel lonely when my family or my BF leave me or go far away from me, I can't imagine that. My life will be so flat, I will missing them so much.
    5. My blog link :
    6. My prize choice : MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuff

    Thanks for the giveaway ^^ hope I can win ^^ :^D^:

  15. 1. GFC name: mitchellina metta
    2. Twitter name:@mitchellinaa
    3. Facebook name:mitchellina metta
    4. If I were lonely, I will find someone to share or even a shoulder to cry on, and that person is my lil sister :)
    I could feel lonely when everyone seems out of my reach and busy with their own world.
    5. My blog link: i dont have one :(
    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of KAWAII cute stuff

  16. Hi Rhea, awesome achievements!! Congratulations for winning :) I'd be gladly join your giveaway :3
    1. GFC name: CINDYHONGGO
    2. Twitter name: @cindyhonggo
    3. Facebook name: Kho Cindy Honggo
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my blackberry, my laptop, and my friends
    I could feel lonely when too much assignment, and devastated!! hahahahaha :D
    5. My blog link: (thou I seldom post there ehehe)
    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

    Have a nice day

  17. Nanti aku join wkt plg dari luar kota ^^congrats for your winning yaa..
    Btw.. did you mean prizes instead of prices? :) hehe

    1. hahahah iyaaa veeeee, itu misstypooo! adoh malu bangett pas uda ke post bru sadar.. tpi stelah dpikir2 kalo "price" juga artinya ga melenceng2 amat sih.. hahahhaha.. yaudalah :p sorry for misstyping *sigh*

  18. Join giveaway^^

    1. GFC name:Stevanie Quinn
    2. Twitter name:@stevaniequinn
    3. Facebook name:Stevanie Quinn
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my moodbooster like listening to music, playing game, writing on blog, reading some nover or comic, chatting^^
    I could feel lonely when i'm alone at home and no one care about me :(
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: few but big makeup and beauty stuffs

    thanks..wish me luck ><

  19. Hello, i've nominated you with an award, check it out here

  20. 1. GFC name:Wita Rosmalia
    2. Twitter name:@witrs
    3. Facebook name:Wita Rosmalia II
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my phone and my camera;)or my family and my bestie
    I could feel lonely when my bestfriend go to somewhere else and i didn't join it. or when im didn't bring my phone at school or else place
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: few but big kawaii&cute things

  21. congratz for your winning ^_^ love the design ♥♥ (*.*)

    1. GFC name: sakura_wind ato Sarwinda Limindraa (ga tau ini yg mana namanya ;__;)
    2. Twitter name: @sakura_wind
    3. Facebook name: Sarwinda Limindra
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my phones or laptop to contact my BF and bestie :D
    I could feel lonely when eating alone and the restaurant is crowded more than usual
    5. My blog link: don't have any :( or the blog is empty..
    6. My price choice: MUCH but SMALL
    of make-up and beauty stuffs

  22. wow i love the design...nice post!!!

    new here to your blog,mind if you follow back?tnx.^_^

  23. That design is so gorgeous, I am very impressed! I am your newest follower via GFC, feel free to visit my Fashion Blog anytime sweetie :)

    kisses Pakize (Keke)

  24. GFC name:Piedev
    Twitter name:@chiswequenn
    Facebook name:Rossyana Dewi
    If I were lonely, I will find friends to talk, my pets, Ice cream, dessert :P
    I could feel lonely when I was in the crowded room, but there's no one who talking with me :D
    My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

    thanks for the giveaway.. ^^
    wish me luck :D

  25. I love this!
    you've got a great blog! love your taste!
    would you be so kind as to check out mine?
    Thank you! lottie xxxx

  26. Congratulations!
    CAntik lho desain kamu ;D
    thanks for the giveaway..

    1. GFC name: Sarah Mar'atul Azizah
    2. Twitter name: @azhezha
    3. Facebook name:Sarah Azhezha
    4. If I were lonely, I will find friends to talk. If there aren't friends who can meet me, I'll go to take a walk, only for window shopping or buy ice cream! or I will only fins my laptop and surfing on the internet.
    I could feel lonely when I'm alone at home, when I have a problem but no one to talk about.
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

  27. 1. GFC name:erma riestiana
    2. Twitter name:@vomoca
    3. Facebook name:erma riestiana bona kartika
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my mom and sharing something with her..anything, but when my mom not around usually i'm watching TV and contact my friends by BBM/sms and browsing something or read all the FB's status for today...hihihi...
    I could feel lonely when my mom not around or my mom and my father leave me for a long trip :(
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: few but big :^D^:

  28. GFC: miarsi ningsih
    Twitter user: @miarsiku
    FB User: orion zee
    IF I were lonely, i will find my best friend or writing on my diary book.
    i could feel lonely when my parents or my best friend busy so no want care to my problem
    pilih prize: few but big of kawaii n cute stuffs
    thank you dear rhea xoxo

  29. Hi!!! XD

    1. GFC name: Sari Marlia

    2. Twitter name: @sarsersor_89

    3. Facebook name: Sari Marlia
    ~ If I were lonely, I will find my besties, have some chats with. I will also pray so God can sweep away my loneliness then turn on my laptop / ipod, listening jazz, blues, and or korean songs. Then, I'm gonna do browsing until i feel sleepy then sleep. :D
    ~ I could feel lonely when in random situations. Why? Because I'm a moody person. Can't get happy or sad within short period. I could feel lonely although I was in a crowded place. Woww! Walaahhh >.</ *my bad*, but I'm still learning to control and balance myself to be a better person.

    5. My blog link:

    6. My price choice: MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuffs.

    Thanks in advance! Sukses selalu yaaaaaa :D
    Wish me luck, xixixxii~ :D

    1. thanks for joining :) thank you, sukses jg buat km yaa

  30. 1. GFC name: Stephanie Lie
    2. Twitter name: @stephaniielie
    3. Facebook name: Stephanie Lie
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my family or my friends
    I could feel lonely when there is no one who cares about me and when I asking, no one respond to my question or when I was in trouble with my teacher or my friend, there is no one who cares and give me any advices :p
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: Much but small make-up stuffs :p

    Hope I'll win :D *fingercrossed*

  31. 1. GFC name:bebe
    2. Twitter name:@BrileyShop
    3. Facebook name:Gaby Agatha
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my mom or my best friends and go a walk or maybe I'll open pc and write something at my blog
    I could feel lonely when everyone busy with their own job or when I have a problem with mom/best friends
    5. My blog
    6. My price choice:few but big of kawaii and cute stuff :)

  32. 1. GFC name: anjarsari widyastuti
    2. Twitter name: @asty_anjar
    3. Facebook name: asty moet
    4. If I were lonely, I will find listen the music kpop, crying, take a walk with my friend, turn on my notebook
    I could feel lonely when my boyfriend not care again, problem with my parents and boyfriend
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: Much but small make-up stuffs

    thanks,,, :)

  33. First of all.... CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR WINNING XD Glad to hear that dear :)

    1. GFC name: Suci SG

    2. Twitter name : @thesugarclump

    3. Facebook name: Sugar Clump

    4. If I were lonely, I will find my Mom and my boyfriend to share my thoughts, what I'm feeling about recently, and crying over my loneliness in front of them XD~ I can get crying easily just because of a small thing :')
    I could feel lonely when my Mom is going to work a her office out of town, when my Boyfriend was busy with his college stuffs and suddenly ignored me because of badmood attack, and when I do my homework by myself at home... *sounds silly but that's true >o<*(definitely will cry because of all the loneliness)

    5. My blog link:

    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG of make-up and beauty stuffs

    Hope I can win this one <3 Thanks for the giveaway dear...

  34. I join this ^^

    1. GFC name: Arga Litha
    2. Twitter name: @ArthaAmalia
    3. Facebook name: Tha Artha
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my best friend to share about it. Even can not face to face, I’ll meet him on air. I call his phone number, then tell anything in my mind. While he’s busy, we can meet in skype because he usually online. Yes, my best friend is a man. I met him at cyberworld, facebook. He can make me laugh although the joke not really funny. We had many same attitude, so its easily us to be close friend. We had own relationship each other, and our friendship never disturb our relationship.

    I could feel lonely when my boyfriend not ask about what I do for a day. Maybe it’s looks like childish, but am I. When your couple don’t ask about your rutinition, it’s mean he don’t care about you.

    5. My blog link:
    but i repost this GA in
    6. My price choice: MUCH but SMALL of make-up and beauty stuffs

    Thank ^^

  35. 1. GFC name:zy
    2. Twitter name: annensi
    3. Facebook name: Anne Regina
    4. If I were lonely, I will find my pet n my BF if both weren't around.. I will play games or surfing on internet.
    I could feel lonely when my BF busy with his college. I'm a super introvert girl. Have a few of friends n has just one BFF. But sadly I lost contact with my BFF. Now my BF is my BFF. We have been together for more than 3 years. I really thank God for his presence in my life. Hope we will stay together until the end of time. Lebayyy :D
    5. My blog link:
    6. My price choice: FEW but BIG
    of make-up and beauty stuffs.

    Thank u for this giveaway n congratz for ur winning...
    I made a giveaway too.. u can join if u need new blog template design according to the design that u want^^
    blog template giveaway


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