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Woman's Awareness: Breast & Cervix Cancer Fight!


Today I ain't gonna post beauty review, FOTD, or else about outer beauty. I want to share about what I had got, to protect our very precious things: breast and cervix.

Many many ladies in this world don't take a serious attention about this dangerous desease that nowadays become one of the most women killer in the world . . .

Breast cancer is a type of cancer where cells in the breast tissue divide and grow without normal control. Like other cancers, breast cancer can spread throughout the body. Only a small fraction of breast cancer cases can be linked to genetics. 

Breast cancer can be detected by a tool called mammograms. Doctors say every woman at age 30 and up should get annual mammograms. More quickly known, would be better, and greater opportunities to recover. This is how to detect breast cancer:

Picture form HERE

 And these what would happen with a woman whose had a cancer inside her breast:

Picture from HERE
Please see a doctor as soon as possible if you find:
  • A lump in your breast
  • A persistent rash around the nipple
  • A retracted nipple
  • Bleeding or unusual discharge from the nipple
  • Swollen or thickened skin
  • Dimpled or puckered skin

How to prevent breast cancer:
1. DO NOT eat junk food too often!
2. Minimize / avoid alcohol
3. Consume many fresh fruits and vegetable as much as possible
4. Exercise regularly
5. Consume more soy food: soy milk, tofu, edamame, tempe, etc.
6. Get enough sleep


One more our treasure: vagina. I am straight and please don't get this post as SARA, this is my share about health, women health, our health. I am not getting paid for this article, I do really want you to know how to protect our precious things!

Cervix cancer is caused because of human papillomavirus (HPV). The detection tool is Pap Smear that married women should do regularly. But if you are 15 or up, and have money, please do the pap smear, to check and avoid cervix cancer.

One of my most-to-carry-in-bag thing is this:

TOILET SEAT SANITIZER from Q-SAN. This item is must have for every girl! It is an anti bacterial spray to clean toilet seat before use. HPV virus found mainly in public toilet, dirty places, damp places, etc. So this spray could kill those bacteria and virus and keep the toilet safe for you. 

Just spray to the toilet seat and swab with clean tissue paper. It has a calm antiseptic scent :) You can get this item at local drugstore like Watson, Century, and Guardian.

How to prevent cervical cancer:
1. Pap smear regularly 
2. No free sex
3. Quit smoking
4. Get HPV vaccine
5. Keep vagina clean

Cervical cancer does not usually have signs and symptoms. Advanced cervical cancer may cause unusual bleeding, such as bleeding after sex, or abnormal discharge from the vagina.

note: all of this science facts are not from me, i am not a doctor nor specialist! i got this from specialist at cervical seminar in my school, study from internet, and my friend's experiences.

Thanks for reading, stay healthy and pretty, Lads!!
Hugs and Kiss.


  1. thankss infonya dear ^^ skrg aku jg pengen beli toilet seat sanitizernya O.O

  2. hehe, I spot an error here anyway ^^
    How to prevent breast cancer (should be cervical cancer):
    1. Pap smear regularly
    2. No free sex
    3. Quit smoking
    4. Get HPV vaccine
    5. Keep vagina clean

    Cervical cancer does not usually have signs and symptoms. Advanced cervical cancer may cause unusual bleeding, such as bleeding after sex, or abnormal discharge from the vagina.

    1. hmm what error dear?? cervical cancer is around the cervix. It is different with breast cancer. :)

    2. ahhh you mean the typo.. im sorry T__T misstypo.. i've changed it, thanksss! :*

  3. beli dimana dear toilet sanitizernya?

  4. pingin minta suntik biar enggak kena kanker serviks tapi mamaku bilang gaperlu :S jd takut nih :S

    1. jgn takut dear, asal kita resik dan bersih, pasti gak bakalan kena kok ^^

  5. wah nice artikel dear, beli dmn? baru tau aku ada produk seperti itu.
    God Bless


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