Happy holiday for all of my beauty creatures called 'Ladies'! Wish you had a great and peaceful christmas this year and an amazing 2013! *the world isn't over yet!* lol.
I had a very important things to share with all of girls here. Before, I want to ask, how much money you spend a month just for beauty?
Many people says "Ah it is not necessary to spend much money to have a good looking face," or "Beauty doesn't need much money or expensive make-up, if the face is pretty enough, then she will always be pretty!" or "Beauty comes from the inside, not the outer look!"
Ay ya yaaa.. Those are all true, I admit it, indeed, BUT, it is impossible in this era to have a beauty without money! Not believe me? OK, let's play a game!
Answer these questions:
1. Do you use contact lens?
2. You notice the difference if wearing contact lens?
3. You like to use foundie/bb cream?
4. You hate wrinkles?
5. You hate dark circles?
6. Does pimple make everyone look dull?
7. Does fake lashes makes your eyes more stunning?
8. You love lipstick?
9. You love curling your hair?
10. You dream of a flawless skin till old?
If you had more than 5 of "YES" then you are agree with me that we all women had a same wish: skinny, pretty, lovely, etc.
Why beauty models mostly women? Why icon of the world is a woman?
Becauseeeeeee of: the sad truth that BEAUTY SELLS
Let me straight this post before we going to the next discussion, please noted that every woman is beautiful indeed, but there is always a way to maximize it.
Have you ever compared the unbranded beauty products (in Indonesia is like Krim Syahrini, Walet, etc) with good rated brands? Yeah, the other sad truth is MONEY BUYS BEAUTY.
IMO, the conclusion of this post is: 1. Do not buy any mysterious cheap cream without any brands or review from other girl. Love yourself, and the beauty will come from the inside :)
Yeah I know it sucks to buy many good branded makeup stuffs, but we're now live in technology and millenium era, that's forcing us to make a good decision when it comes to cosmetic.
More conclusion: 2. Good quality products need more money, it's not just buying the products, but we also buy the trust itself.
More truths:
1. Sun light consists UVA UVB radiation
2. Those radiation do make wrinkles
3. It may cause cancer too (not always!)
4. Cloudy day is not consists UVB, but still UVA can pass through it and attack our face
5. Using eye cream since 20++ make a difference with using it when 40++
6. Using anti aging cream makes an effect with no cream at all.
7. Bb cram and loose powder boost your flawless skin up to 70%
8. Most men see with eyes at first, not with heart
9. Scrub and mask don't have instant effect, but it gives food to skin
10. Neat and good looking girls are more visible to company when applying jobs
So the conclusion number 3. Every girl who lives in this years need to care about herself and must to know how to boost their inner and outer beauty.
And how about plastic surgery to boost the beauty? I think it is not for boosting beauty, but changing what God had given to us before. I don't want to persuade you to not have a plastic surgery. It's all up to you, you own your body. I just wanna say, think twice.
More lesson from beauty blogger friends:
Alexandra Wang - Me and My Mockingbird
The ideal women has big eyes, small nose, slim hourglass figure, curves, full luscious hair, and flawless skin. And as time passes, the term "ideal women" changes, the "good looking women" figure becomes harder to achieve.
Women spend lots of money on skincare products, haircare products, makeups, etc so that they can look representable. However, as women, we cannot stop ourselves from 'buying beauty', even though people often said that "beauty comes from the heart", I think it's a lie.
As time goes by, expectation changes. These days, women must be at size 0, or 2, to be considered slim, size 4 and above are meant for fat ladies, but several years ago, even size 8 is still considered quite slim. Women who have lots of money would consider liposuction, but women who don't have lots of money would starve themselves, hit the gym, and then might become anorexic. Society had placed women's life in danger by increasing the chance of anorexia.
Not all people are born with pretty big eyes. Like me, I'm asian (more on the chinese side) and I have horrible monolids on both eyes. And I can't chose, I was born this way. In order to get that beautiful big eyes, the only way is to have double eyelid surgery. Same goes with nose job, jaw reconstruction, lip plumping, etc. We all want to be the "ideal women".
Surgeries field will not die - as I said before, expectations change fast, and in order to fulfill expectations, women will run to the fastest way which is surgery.
I actually blame all these things to Society. Society creates higher expectations, which makes women crave more, do more, and women can't stop.
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ironic and funny truth!! |
This is an open post, all of you can put your opinion in this post and I will mention you name and link back to your blog! So if you wanna join this discussion please kindly send your opinion to: Kim.Rhea@ymail.com.
Happy Christmas~!
i agree with you rhea.. zaman skrg ini susah.. wanita modern itu dituntut harus slalu rapi dan berpenampilan menarik..
ReplyDeletethe ugly truth is that saat kamu berpenampilan cantik dan menarik, segala sesuatunya akan jadi lebih mudah.. maksudnya orang akan lebih melihat kamu dibanding kamu cm bare face, dull face dan pakaian seadanya..
jadi beauty is really needed in nowadays socialization in my opinion to survive this harsh world.. ahahhaa..
tos dulu rin!!
Deletehahahah..iyaa jaman sekarangg...kalo rapi dan necis tuh uda pasti mudah deh..mau ketemu dosen, klien, camer, kalo rapi dan cantik tuh lebih pede dan ga grogi! *sigh
zaman emg uda bergeser yakkk..
I totally agree with you! I spend a lot of money for beauty~ T_T Without loose powder, bb cream and a concealer I can't live! I need them all for looking good! I feel better when I'm wearing all these things, I think. We all only want to looking good and therefore we do mostly everything! >.<
ReplyDeleteyesssss!! that's right! i love bb cream too, i can't live without that baby T___T of course, every woman wants to be appreciated, one of the way is with boost the beauty :(
DeleteI surely spend money a lot too for beauty!
ReplyDeletebut aku 100000% setuju sama the first line from the picture attached "No one will love you unless you love yourself". Just sharing my opinion sih, prinsip yg aku pegang dari dulu sih cintai diri sendiri dulu, baru mencintai yang lain. How can we love other things that we don't love the things attached to us from born to death?
Dan produk yang paling amazing, takjub, dan keren asdfghjkl cuma satu, yaitu FOUNDATION/BB CREAM! karena bisa sekejap menutupi *oops?* semua imperfection kulit wajah aku. dan voila, only with that product i get my confidence boosted up more than 300%.
and for the other things, like blushes, lippens, eyeshadows, lashes, contact lenses..just because i love them. So many people tell me, I am much much much more pretty WITHOUT makeup. Aku aja nggak ngerti, apa mereka yang siwer? Apa aku yang siwer? Apa jerawat ini begitu mempesona? *plak*
Tapi that's the truth, and why still wearing makeup even ppl said I look like a sissy (banci) if wearing them all? Jawaban aku cuman satu, karena aku suka..suka banget, like my passion is all in them. Suka palette A yah beli, bukan karena butuh. Selama masih dalam budget atau LE, atau bener2 worth the price, aku bakal beli. Serem ya?
Nggak nyalahin orang yang pake makeup to cover the imperfections, NEVER. Because I also do, buat nutupin jerawat sial ini. Tapi don't let those things change who wear inside. We are who we are, with or without makeups. Itu yang penting!! Cantik nggak cantik relatif, this sounds cliche but yep, it's the truth :
"Cantik nggak dari luar aja, cantik juga dari dalam."
Jadi kesimpulannya dari comment yang cetar membahana, panjang, dan boring ini adalah :
Wear makeups girl! Mahal, murah, terserah apa kata. Kuat-kuatnya dompet, iman dan kebutuhan masing-masing. Tapi jangan gunakan mereka sebagai topeng, nope, gunakan sebagai ENHANCER your [b]true beauty [i]inside[/i][/b]. Sekian!
*maafkan kepanjangan ce, dan babbling banget....tp these are my thoughts about the price of beauty. thankyou udah ngasih sarana yang seru!*
aku baca kok, every single words from your comments, dan KOMEN KAMU BERMUTU! Sangat jujur dan kritis :D
Deleteiyaaa aku juga paling suka sama bb cream, itu bisa nutup semua blackhead, jerewi, tai lalat, dan semua jelek2nya noda2nya muka aku ^^ seneng banget sama penemu bb cream dah!!
TOS dlu deh sama oline yang cantik ini hehehehe... jujur aja aku juga mau ngeluarin sampe (total) jutaan buat makeup dan asesorisnya, kuas2, tempat makeup yg bagusan, DEMI diri sendiri.. Harus rapi dan cantik itu perlu buat survive hidup di masa sekarang :)
thanks for visit and share your thoughts *hug*
Thank you for the good article! And I agree with you that good brands are expansive. :)
ReplyDeleteyessss T__T
Deletebut surely i will buy branded makeup, too afraid with cheap and unknown makeup :O
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Very interesting! Hahaha.. dari 10 pertanyaan, jawabannya YES semua O_o
ReplyDeleteBut..semua yang ditulis memang bener banget!
I always think how to tell every woman that don't try to buy or USE unbranded beauty products! Kebanyakan hanya menginginkan murah & hasil cepat. Menarik banget kalo dibahas di artikel tentang perbandingan beauty product yang ga bermerek dengan yang bermerek..
Just sharing my experience..
Dulu aku juga sembarang pake, hasil memang cepat banget! Tapi sampe suatu hari ada yang broadcast di BBM tentang cream2 seperti itu. Pokoknya di artikel itu serem banget deh tentang produk bermerkuri.
Saat itu juga langsung STOP! Dan aku juga sambil cari-cari tahu bener ga sih.. tapi dari ciri-ciri 100% match dgn cream yang aku pakai. 2 minggu stop pakai, kulit langsung jadi gelap (bagi yang sudah pakai jangka lama, bisa jadi lebih item dari sebelum dia pakai). Aku langsung konsultasi dan dokternya juga langsung tau ini bekas cream merkuri. Untungnya sekarang kulit aku masih terselamatkan. Haha.. So aku prihatin banget ada cream yang beredar dipasar kaya cream syahrini ,wallet..Dan masih banyak cewe2 yang ga tau apa itu merkuri.
Jadi perhatikan cream yang kamu pakai sebelum terlambat!
Buat kalian yang kulit sensitif, jangan ngeluh susah cari produk yang cocok, karena kulit kalian justru bagus langusng peka dgn cream2 yang bisa saja berbahaya.
Nice post! (^^)b
DOH untung kamu terselamatkan yahh!! :( thanks God banget! iya aku juga sedih liat2 komen2 cewe di fb "misteri krim syahrini" yang nangis gara2 kasusnya sama kaya kamu.. Kulit jadi item, jerawatan, kusam, dll.. Aku ngebayangin aja kalo aku kaya gitu, bisa nangis darah seember kali!!! :O
DeleteThanks for sharing dear :*
Waaah setuju deh sama pertanyakan yang diajuin di post nya jawaban banyakan yes....
ReplyDeleteZaman sekarang memang kenyataan nya banyak penilaian beauty dari luar baru penilaian hati....
Apalagi cewek selalu dituntut buat tampil rapi and cantik...dan otomatis mesti ada biaya yang sebanding.....
>.< Dan karena memang hobi jugaaa....
Seneng aja liat cewek kalo udah cantik,fresh and rapi....
Memang sih cewek mesti pede biarpun tanpa makeup..tapi akan lebih sedap dipandang dan lebih fresh kalo ada makeup....
Xixixiixi thanks a lot buat para penemu bb cream dan eyeliner terutama...xixixiixi....
yesss bener banget dear, penemu bb cream dan eyeliner aku doakan terus sehat dan berkarya! heheheheh.. emang jaman uda bergeser,, rapi dan cantik itu perlu banget, buat makanan sehari2 yahh..thanks for visit :)
Deletenice post~ jaman sekarang udah eranya plastic surgery, sempet pengen si. cuman mahal deh. T___T haha...
ReplyDeletethanks ce linaaa.. ahh cece mau operasi apalagi? uda imut2 gitu wajahnyaaa :D :3
DeleteVery nice post ! Me as a guy I think I over spend my money on skin care product and make-up. I spend at least $100 per month for beauty products.
ReplyDeletewaww..really? that's nice, dude :D thanks for visit
DeleteYou have officially encouraged me to give into my lusts of more beauty stuff!!! LOL what you wrote is completely and utterly true!!
ReplyDeletehahaha thanks dear, it's a pleasure for me. :)
DeleteI don't spend much monthly on beauty products. For some reason they last me forever :|
ReplyDeleteI spend a lot sporadically when I have to replace them. Some products I have are not expensive but then all summed up it's argh.
hmm are you sure 'forever'? they should have expire date, dear.
Deletedon't use cosmetic till the expire date over :)
Thanks for sharing all that useful info!! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeletethanks :D happy new year too!
DeleteIt was an interesting post. ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm always careful with beauty products.
I think that women should love themself with and without make up and so on. ^^