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What's in My Bag?


I am so happy, because of holiday! It always makes everyone happy, right? I want to share with you Lovelies what is inside my personal hand bag :D

I always carry this items with me everywhere I am! Want to know? Check them out! ^w^

click for enlarge
What a mess. LOL. I got my lovely bag from my lovely sister as my birthday gift last June. So, let me introduce these babies, I can't go out without these items.

1. Tissue Paper
Don't make a strange face like that! Yea I know that I am weird for carrying a big pack of tissue like that in my bag rofl. But that's true, I need much tissue, and I was too lazy to buy small pack.

2. Toilet Seat Cleaner
It is a must need item for woman! Why? Check HERE for the full reason!

3. Spoon and Chopstick
Sorry before, but I am a go-green freak girl, even though I still use tissue and paper, but I want to reduce wood chopstick usage from restaurant, so, I carry this things everywhere I eat and clean it everyday.

4. Wet Tissue
Every girl know about this. No need explanation.

5. Acnes Menthol Powder
I haven't review about this amazing item, I will do it soon! I love this thing so much.

6. Manicure Set
LOL. Don't laugh please, but this is my secret: sometimes I bite my nails T___T *crying* so I need to stop it with carrying nail cutters everywhere I go. . . . .

7. Etude House Eye Cream
Read my review about this item HERE.

8. Bandage
For emergency times. It has princess design!!! ^^

9. Ballpoint
No need to explain.

10. Flash disk
Storage for my works :)

11. Acnes Oil Paper
It is a very good product to absorb the oil in my whole face (my boyfriend needs it too)

12. Sanitary Napkins
In case of emergency.

13. Mini JamJam Hand Lotion
Review is in this post! Scroll down :3

14. Mint Candy
Sometimes my mouth feels so sour, and I need this.

15. House Key
No need to explain.

AH! I bring this hand sanitizer too, to clean my hand before make-up, eat, etc. It's a need.

what is inside yours, ladies? 


  1. Oh no. It just not me bring everything everywhere. lol
    i always bring tissue but not as big as yours :p, wet tissue, lip balm, hair band, oil paper, sanitary napkins (it's a must), house key, mint candy, hand sanitizer, loose powder, minyak kayu putih, minyak angin (Yes, mirip emak-emak), mirror and novel. Lol

    1. wkwkwkwkwk iya sabb.. samaaa aku juga bawa kayu putih kemana2 kok, cuma lupa dimasukin aja disitu, lagi dipake soalnya :p hihihihi

  2. Wow ! A big pack of tissue ! >.<

    I also have a very dry skin but I use weleda's handcream. It smells so good and it's not sticky. I really hate having sticking hands.

  3. bawa tissue segede itu xD emang lebih enak ya. yang kecil cepet habis :D

    visit my blog :D

    1. iyaaa hahahahh males beli2 terus -__- heheheh
      thanks for visit

  4. i love to bring that 'size' of tissue paper too! the bigger the better, right? XD

  5. sis itu tasnya segedhe apa kalo bawaannya banyak kek gitu?

    1. hhahahah ga gede sis, cuma jadi gemuk gitu T__T dan beratttt banget.. yahh rempong aku ni :p

  6. The name mini jam jam is pretty yummy! lolz, Its so nice that it really moisturizes well enough but is not sticky ^_~

  7. cute mini hand cream :))

  8. Hi rhea! I've wrote about you dear... Check out my blog! hahaha
    Thank you for the gift you sent me! I appreciate it!

    God Bless

  9. aku kurang cocok ma eye creamnya etude >__< ga ngefek haha
    btw itu tas kayak kantong doraemon yaa rhea xD banyak isinya

    1. ahahah aku juga ga ngefekkk, cuma karena uda kebeli aja jadi yaa diabisin :D
      hahah iya vee LOL :p

  10. i always like looking at what people have in their bags. lollll~ you crazy. haha toilet seat cleaner!? can't you just use a toilet seat cover or something. what are the wet tissues for??

    xoxo Sarah

    1. hhhhahhaha lol yeaahh
      noo, wet tissue is too expensive to use every day in public toilet T__T this cleaner is just US$ 1.2 only for many many many usages :D

  11. thanks for sharing this, it's so fun reading a post like this! I've always carried tissue too in my pocket, and facial wash :D

    1. heheh thanks ce lina..woow.. aku juga pernah bawa tapi tumpah kmana2 T_T

  12. huahuahua.. klo aku bawanya tissue gulung... selain tissue basah dan saputangan.. XD

  13. I have been loving Etude house recently.
    I am hosting an International Giveaway on my blog where you can win Korean Skincare products. It would be great if you could enter.
    Hina. xx

  14. Banyak bener bawaannya.. hahahaha
    Aku bw tissue Aje Suka Mood2an...

  15. Wow git, iss tasmu lengkappp banget~ hahaha aku aja kadang tissue lupa bawa hahaha~

  16. hehe banyak juga itu yang dibawa, I like to read this kind of posts ;) By the way itu hand sanitizer nya yg black pearl enak kah wanginya?
    Yg mini jam jam nya lucu bgt kemasannya...


    1. iyaaaa heheheheh,,, thankss,,
      lumayan enak, tapi aku kurang suka soalnya menyengat banget, ini oleh2 dari kakakku :D
      heheheh iya mini jamjam lucu bgt..wanginya lebi enak dari black pearl


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