Hello. I want to share my thoughts about the popular curve that most Asian women craving for: V-Shaped Face. Know it before?
Before I continue this post, I want to make an important disclaimer: this post is made for sharing information only, not to insult or offending anyone. The pictures of Korean surgery are from http://kpsurgery.tumblr.com/ and others pictures are from google. I DO NOT insult plastic surgery or persuading anyone to not having plastic surgery. It's everyone's choice. Me too, wishing for a smaller face like them. Thank you.
Most Asian women are wishing for V-Shaped face. The sharp and small chin makes the face more V. The more V you get, more attention and beauty you have.
Just browse "ulzzang girls" or "ulzzang boys" on Google, and see how many of them that have a sharp chin or V-shaped face. The result is: almost all. Why they love V-shaped face and even Korean people do plastic surgery to get those V-look face? Because of some ugly truths.
The really ugly truths about V-shaped face are:
1. You can look up to 10 years younger. Don't trust me, trust your eyes by seeing these photos below :)
2. Of course when your face change, it would make the whole face changing too (more beautiful they say, i mean, society says).
3. More attention to gets.
4. It's like a 'must-to-have' things in Korea!
Here are some photos of Korean people, changing their born look:
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she's adorable in before right? but why? |
Yes, believe you eyes. But some of them are not only change their jaws, they do make over the eyes and nose too. Once again, read the disclaimer I made, don't get offended.
Yesterday I thought like this: ah I really wanna go to Korea, try plastic surgery once in my lifetime, is it a sin? LOL.
But then I think again, I don't have much money, and, I think I am beautiful this way, I don't want to change my face permanently. Do I still wishing for V-shaped face? Yes. Of course.
I found some tricks to make face more V-look and smaller smaller smaller face! Check these out, Ladies :D
How to gain V-shaped face and smaller face without plastic surgery?
1. Get a bangs, neither side bangs or front bangs.
Of course it does work, makes face smaller and way to cuter face. But yes, you will look like a little lady, not a sensual or hot ones ;)
2. Never had a 'bob' hairstyle, choose layered long hairstyle instead!
It really hard to explain in words, just see the pictures of the hair. Some short layers brings the illusion to eyes, and makes jaw more V-look.
3. Shading the face
Yes, there are so techniques to make face like whatever you like. I am still learning this :)
4. Use face roller
Don't really works with lazy usage I think :/ But some bloggers state that it works with routine usage with quite long time . . .
5. Facial massages
Massage your face, with warm and clean hand.
6. Face exercise
Do it everyday, just 10 minutes a day, see the result they say.
7. Less sugar please!
Sugar is scary thing for skin, really! It dry your skin out, make it chapped and unmoist. Really, leaves sugar now, I mean, reduce it please.
That's all.
I hope this article could help anyone who wants to gain smaller face (like me). Stay healthy and pretty~!
Image sources:
why sugarrr? :'(
ReplyDeletei dunno too :'( :'(
DeleteKatanya aku pernah baca gula bisa ngerusak collagen .. jadi bikin cepet tua kata artikel yang aku baca sih gitu, krg gula juga bisa bahaya sih mending seimbang aja ..
Deletenice post git!! :D dicoba ahh..aku juga tembem >,<
ReplyDeleteiyaaaa wuaaaaa >.< sama2 dew <3
Deletethank youuuu <3
DeleteSome of those people looked lovely before their surgery! It's hard not to want to fit into the idealised form of beauty though. I think you're right with the makeup and hair, they can definitely help. I'd be curious to try a facial roller, I would love a more defined chin. Interesting post, thank you :) x
ReplyDeletethank you for visit <3
Deleteyes i love layered hair, makes smaller face :p
y ampun extreme bgt prbhan surgerynya, ckckckck pantesan cewe korea tuh kbayakan cantik" smw, nice post, aq jg buat ngubah bentuk pipi q yg aga tembem aq shading in :^D^
ReplyDeleteiya cantik pretty2 tapi mukanya jadi kbykan mirip2 :( huhuuhuh
Deletewahh, untung aja mukaku udah Vshape @@
ReplyDeletetapi bersyukur aja sih aku sama apa yang Tuhan berikan , setau aku , operasi plastik kan dosa , potong rambut juga dosa , namanya ga menghargai ciptaan Tuhan *katanya wkwkkw .
btw , follback blogku ya , waktu itu cc salah follback x_x
thankyouu ^D^
klo potong rahang emang dosa sih perna denger gitu.. tpi klo pootng rambut aaaa masa dosaaa?? :O klo ga dpotong bisa kaya wewe gombel dong? hehehehe
Deleteooh ok2 aku cek lagi ya <3
I didn't realise that a V shape could change a face like that (even if I'm sure that most of them had other surgeries. It's Korea...)
ReplyDeleteI really like this shape and I think that it's the most flattering one. Unfortunately I don't have a V shape.
yea you're right, its the most flattering one.. me too, i dont have a V shape :)
DeleteThis wsa really interesting to read... makes we wanna get surgery too xD
ReplyDeletehahhah once you got the moneyy, anddd bammm, as you wish <3
DeleteI've been massaging my face everyday around my chin area and jaw and I have to say it actually works. It clears out lymph (facial fluid) and makes you look less bloated. I think you can really tel the difference from my old pictures and youtube videos then and now. Even I'm surprised at how much my face as slimmed down :P
ReplyDeleteIt works for the nose too actually! I massage my nose bridge so that excess interstitial fluid and fat doesn't deposite there, plus it sort of shapes or direct my cartilage somehow :P That plus contouring really made my nose quite sharp :P
hahaha thanks for this post!
woww it really nice! tutorial please? hehehe
Deletethank you for sharing dear, i should learn how to do like you >.<
o.o nice post!!! *.*
ReplyDeletethank you sab <3
Deletesetau aku sih biasanya rahang bukan dipotong ka.. tapi biasanya dikikir biar lancip. aku suka serem liat orang yang kikir rahang kayak gitu... kan ketawanya susah yaa ga bisa ngakak lebar-lebar hehehehe >.<
ReplyDeleteohh gtu ya,,duh sama2 aja ya sama2 ngeriii O.O
Deletetapi orang korea jago sih dokternya wkkwkwkwkwk
Yay thank you for sharing. I really like this post! Korean plastic surgeons are amazing! They all look beautiful in the after photo. Ahh you have no idea how much I want to get the jaw reduction surgery. I'm so insecure about my face shape and it's making me really unhappy cos I know I have the chance to look decent if I get it shaved. I just don't have the money atm so hopefully in the future ^^
ReplyDeleteyes, theyre so pretty in the after pictures.. ahh envy them lol
Deleteme too dont have enough money, but im still thinking its benefit and disadvantages about surgery :\
welcome dear <3
I just struggled on your blog and it's really lovely!
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess my face doesn't have the shape of a V but I understand why most Asian women crave for this. It makes you look more skinny.
Keep bloggin'
aww thank you dear! very happy to hear that :')
Deleteof course, they look younger than their ages lol..
this is so helpful post!!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing it..
you are welcome dear <3
Deleteternyataaah. bentuk muka v itu emank bikin cakep yaak >_<
ReplyDeleteharus pinter ngakalin muka bulet bener, daripada oplas :D
nice post git :D
tengkiuuu chell <3
Deletehahahaha mukamu imut2 tauuu kaya baby ^^
Kebanyakan orang korea punya rahang kotak kayaknya dari nenek moyangnya :| hahaha kalo orang indonesia kan bervariasi hhihi dan kebanyakan mukanya irit alias kecil2 lol Tapi aku juga sempet berkhayal pengen plastic surgery juga hahahah biar kece :P Nice article by the way :D
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog :
waduh syaaa, wajahmu uda tirus dan kecil, operasi apalagiii hihihihi..thnks for visit <3
Deletewajahku chubbyyy sekaliiii! huhuuh
DeleteIt's really...shocking to see how they look after a plastic surgery! Like a completely other person o.o
ReplyDeleteyes it is dear :\ lol
Deletehiks kenapa harus ada yang namanya plastic surgeryyyy T_T /sobs/
ReplyDeleteanw nice post ce X)
drdulu juga pingin nyoba face massage tp males gak jadi2 XD hihihi
iyaaa sedih yaaa..wwkkwwkkw
Deletethanks dear, aku jgua nih ahahah
kayaknya foto orang orang korea diatas merubah total jadi bukan hanya v shaped face tapi juag warna kulit, hidung dan bibir. apa banyak banget orang jelek ya di sana, sampai jadi orang tidak terlalu cantik ( menurut orang lain ) adalah sebuah dosa ;) ciee bahasa gua cadas hahaha
ReplyDeletehahah..entahlah :p
Deletehahah bahasanya cerdas ya
really really informative. but i wanna know those exercises, massages and the roller actually work??????
ReplyDeletesome says they don't work and don't bother doing it. it s wasting your time. Just go Botox. it is not so risky, see the effect just within 2 weeks, not so expensive, the effect last about 6 months!!!
now im hesitating which way i should go - without surgery OR surgery
i think its should be "Without" surgery.
Deletebecause nothing beautiful is instant. Let's say like butterfly, need process and yes its sucks to wait :(
but i suggest you to stay patient, do exercise etc. I think it's more beautiful if you can love yourself at first place too :)
hope it helps, and this is my suggestion, of course you own your life ^^
thanks for reading
very easy way to sharpen your jawline use face thin tool from facethin.com really it's work amazing i am also using that same product for make my face smaller now my face look so smaller.
ReplyDeleteHaha I have a V-shape face and I kind of like it but it makes me look like I'm 12/13 (I'm actually 16), and that gets really annoying when people continually point it out to me. :/ It's really not it's all cracked up to be.
ReplyDeletewah iya nih, samaaa :O model cewe koreanya juga sama ..
ReplyDeleteberarti postmu sungguh sangat menginspirasi git, sampe di buat presentasi clinic terkenal :DD
make face smaller without any surgery just try to use face thin tool from facethin.com which is help you to make face thinner and smaller.
ReplyDeleteIf you have ever used nose right from noseright.com . Tell me what you think about. Did it work? Did you get results? Also my nose has a slight bump and has a droop. I want to know if this will help. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteHave you tried having nose right tool. it really make your nose smaller. i also used it from 2month now my nose really smaller and sharp.
ReplyDeleteface make thinner naturally without any makeup just try to use face thin tool from facethin.com face thin help to reduce extra fat from face and make it smaller and sharper.
ReplyDeleteI have been using facethin tool for 3O days and my jaw has more definition. My lower lip is plumper and so are my cheeks. I was starting to look sullen, before I bought my face thin tool. My husband has noticed as well! I call my face thin , my little miracle! :-)
ReplyDeleteface make thinner naturally without any makeup just try to use face thin tool from facethin.com face thin help to reduce extra fat from face and make it smaller and sharper.
ReplyDeletei tired many products for make my face smaller but face thin is one of best way to make face smaller naturally without surgery.
ReplyDeleteFacethin tool is a beneficial facial exercise device. Well made, fast shipping. I am happy with it. Comes with sufficient rubber resistance bands
ReplyDeleteI did my V-shaped face treatment last year. It was a really fast procedure. It takes less than 2 hours. Now my face looks perfect. I am so happy that I did it.
ReplyDeletehi, i got my v shape by using face roller and due to stress(hahaa)..well article is very useful to read.
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