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REVIEW: YOKO Spa Milk Salt Scrubs

Every girl dreams about fair and smooth skin. It is not an instant thing, but sure we can achieve it with routine skin care and also eat healthy food.

I found a product that really smoothes my skin, I think it's different from another scrub. Introduce, Yoko Spa Milk Salt a scrub salt from Thailand. We all know Thailand, the beautiful women, plastic surgery, and it's like Korea in Asean :)

I love Yoko products, I use Yoko Milk Protein Face Wash before and it was an amazing facial wash!!

But I hate the packaging. It has zipper on it, but guess what, it can't be closed! The salt sparkles are so small and even sticked to the zipper! I tried so hard to clean the mess around it, but still, can't close the packaging, so the zipper is USELESS.

Now I have to protect the scrubs from moist air, how? Flip the upper plastic and tied up with rubber string T_T

The texture is very rough, you know, SALT. But in a very very small sparkles, so I think that you could imagine that. And I adore the milk vanilla smell from it! It is so milky and sweet! I warn every one who hate this smell, please, do not buy this thing, cause once again, it has deep strong milky vanilla smell!

Ah, please be careful while using this salt scrub for it is salt, and if you had any scars, it would be very very painful T___T
Once, inadvertently, I licked some that close to my mouth and yes, salty. LOL.

1. Wet your skin
2. Scrub to your skin in circular motion gently please
3. Stay for 2-3 minutes
4. Rinse with water.

It is save to use it for face too, but remember that face skin is much thinner than body's, so please do it very gently or you'll feel the pain later :(
It can soothes and smoothes even your dark and rough area such as: armpit, elbow, crotch, etc.

I dare to promise you that this product is making my skin so smooth and feels like baby's skin ^^/

What I Like:
♥ Make my skin super duper ultra smooth after bath
♥ Milky vanilla smell
♥ Small scrubs texture
♥ Easy to get (@Watson's)
♥ Brightens my skin for routine usage

What I Dislike:
* The very BAD packaging!
* Untravel friendly, you have to put it into another bottle
* If you rub it rudely to your skin, it will be red and very in pain, trust me

YES! Fot those who had dark and rough skin area or just want to smoothes skin.
NO! For those who have sensitive and thin skin*.

Till next post!

*) Thin skin can be detected by seeing if there's any veins visibility in your skin, veins are usually in purple-blue color. Please don't use the scrub if you have thin skin.


  1. emang produk dr thailand itu baguss,aq suka lip balm sama lotion,(tp merek laen, lupa mereknya apa >.<)*-* wanginy enak bgt trs bikin lembuut bgt tp g bikin lengket, cocok deh utk daerah tropis, slaen harganya itu loh... murahhh bangeet *klo prgi ksana :p (*.*)

    1. woww merk apa say? iaaa produk thai emg oke banget, dah gitu gak mehong kaya US gtu hehehehe... :D

  2. Hai dear, temanku ada yang udah nyoba Yoko Spa Milk Salt warna ungu, katanya sakit banget waktu dipakai, padahal ngegosoknya kalem. Setelah dibilas, kulitnya jadi merah2 kayak alergi dan perih. Langsung dibuang deh produknya.

    Ga tau karena produk palsu (padahal belinya di toko kosmetik besar) atau kulit temanku super sensitif. Semoga kulitmu tidak apa2 :) Nice review..


    1. iyaaa emang gtu say klo discrub-in bakal sakit klo terlalu keras, mgkn tmn km kulitnya tipis/sensitif kali ya T__T duh kasian, untung dy ga pake lagi..
      thanks ya dear <3

  3. keliatan enak o.o #eh
    nyebayangin wanginya pasti susu bgt yumm #OOT

  4. It looks like a pack of milk lol

  5. aku juga pakeee ,tapi ak pake yg pink..

    emang bener" bikin kulit halus sih yah,sayangnya emang PERIHH banget kalo kena luka/bekas luka..hahahahah..

    1. iyaaa duh kalo abis garuk2 karena nyamuk jangan pake dlu deh hahahaha perihhhh T___T

  6. wah, interesting nih, aku juga suka scrub-an gitu..
    thanks for a nice comment on my blog, dear..hihih, mainan nya banyak soalnya kulit saya drama queen..ngambek, kalo ga di kasih


    1. hehehe wahhhh kulitku juga gitu sih, aku mau belajar kaya kak ncy, biar mukaku banyak makanannya ^^ thanks for coming kak! <3

  7. I've tried this and so far Im loving it except for the packaging =(

    1. sure! the packaging is ultra bad and silly T__T

  8. kyknya bagus nih :D nggak pernah coba yg kyk gini :D

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  9. pernah pake, dan waktu itu gak sadar ada luka di betis. gilaaaak perihnya udah kaya liat pacar selingkuh *lebay*
    tapi emang bikin cerah sih!

    1. iya kaaaaan T_T hahaha kocak liat pacar selingkuh, amit2 ah :(

  10. Yoko spa milk salt is d best. It smoothen ur. Skin n lives it fresh. D disavantage is the packaging.

  11. Replies
    1. berapa ya, ak agak lupa sih tp kalo gak salah dibawah 100rb

  12. Bales email aku yaa ({})

  13. Since bad packaging, i suggest you go to store and buy one container to put in the salt. This is what i did..

  14. Wow! Sounds like a really cool product, but wouldn't it take a while to use over your body? >__< Haha, I'm so lazy!!


  15. I don´t like the hard particle that can make my skin red if I scrub a bit intense so maybe is not the product for me but I´m not sure because the Pros are very nice.

  16. Very nice post with good description. Body Spa


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