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REVIEW: Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion Pact

I was so happy knowing that I could try this Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion Pact and share my thoughts to all of you! I am super excited because I really love the Precious Mineral BB Cream as my natural base makeup everyday.

And the good news is now I can get the easier way to use this base!

It has very girly packaging, and sterile because it's still on seal. Got a full mirror inside, which is very good to us! ^^
Mine is honey beige (W24).

LOOK! It's like a cookies! Super cute! LOL!
I was quite amazed with this brand new makeup packaging. So the BB Cream and powder and foundation is mixed together under the cookie monster pattern there :D

And here the sponge, thin and soft. Got pores on the sponge too!

Honestly, this pact is my favorite friend recently, sometimes I really lazy to use BB Cream because it will mess my hands, or I should use brush to apply that.

But this pact is wonderful! I can get all what I want in a whole packaging! Really worth to try and Thank you Etude House Indonesia for importing this baby to the town!

It has matte finish, just like I loved, I don't really like glowing finish for my everyday use, it's kinda "too hard" to see, I use my dewy skin only for makeup play, formal agenda, or parties :D

Oil control is really good, since my face is normal-combination, this pact long last in my face for about 5 hours and up, and I start to wash my face with wet-tissue before re-apply this pact, so practical and instant!! ^ 3^)/

What I Like:
♥ Has 50 SPF (OMG It really does? No need sunscreen beforehand!)
♥ Very practical to use! Instant smoothing effect in just a minute lol
♥ Medium coverage
♥ Soft and nice smell
♥ NOT sticky at all
♥ Matte finish
♥ Girly packaging
♥ Travel friendly
♥ ERGONOMIC packaging because the sponge has its place above the cushion, so it won't be messy/bulky/oily/whatever it is.. Super clean and sterile. 

What I Dislike:
* The sponge seems made of materials other than fabric, and it feels rough when applying pact to face. So I have to wear a pact by tapped on face or it would make annoying sound while rub to face.

(suaranya ngilu gitu kalo sponge-nya digosok ke muka, soalnya kayanya si sponge itu gak terbuat dari kain, jadi aku kalo pake gak disapukan ke muka seperti pake bedak pact lainnya, cuma di tap-tap aja supaya nggak bunyi-bunyi ngilu T___T)

Ratings: 4.7 of 5

Where to get this?

Till next post~


  1. That looks like it does a really good job! Its great that a powder like this has such good coverage because it saves you so much time using this compared to using a bb cream and getting everything messy!


    1. yesss indeeddd i love this cushion ^^
      not messy and quick to apply!

  2. bunyi ngilu gimana git? kok jd penasaran hahaa penasaran sama bunyi ngilu nya drpd cushionnya..wkwkwk
    review bbc yg ada nama "cushion" pasti kok bagus ya..galaau makin pengen coba ini itu T_T

    1. gatau wie, kalo diseret ke pipi gitu bunyi ahahhaam soalnya bahan sponge nya bukan dari kain gitu.. jadi aku tap2 aja biar ga bunyi..
      bagus lohhh bnerannn :D

  3. ahhh km mah dr sononya ud flawless, ga usa pake base makeup jg ud cakep gitt :D

    1. aakk apanya flawless rin, itu banyak whiteheads gitu T___T
      hahahaha makasi cantik :*

  4. Itu bedak apa compact bb cream gitu siii? Coveragenya bikin ngilerrrrr

  5. sukses nih rhe bikin aku keracunan hahahaha. T.T

  6. Kenapa pada nebar racun ini any cushion etude smuaa sih hari ini? *tutup mata*

  7. waaaa jadi pengen beli, ini harganya brp dear?

  8. ihh mupeng sekali ini, gimana coba jadinya ? tanggung jawab..

  9. gatau kenapa base makeup yg bentuknya kayak gini menurutku unik dan unyu >.<

  10. you look like suzy miss A ... ^^

  11. ini juga HG nya aku ci, suka sama efek glowingnya
    oil controlnya juga bagus >.<


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