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REVIEW: Holika Holika Cover and Hiding Liquid Concealer

Hey ho~ Couple weeks ago, Holika Holika opened their very first store in Indonesia, and lucky me, its on Mall Taman Anggrek, the most favorite mall for me because it has very complete store: from the cheapest to expensive, any kind of food, skating place, cinema, karaoke service, and many MAKEUP stores!! LOL. In short, Mall Taman Anggrek is near with my home too so I often come to this mall. Enough with Mall promotion :p

So I went with my sissy to this store, and I decided to buy this Holika Holika Cover and Hiding Liquid Concealer. It's been a loooong time I am trying to buy a concealer, I want a light texture so it won't cakey.

I asked the SPG on the store (they are very very busy at that day opening day), and she answered me in a rush that this concealer is just ONE shade, and this is the ONLY liquid concealer from Holika Holika. I don't know if its true, I just bought it afterall.

I love the 'wand' stlye and the packaging is good :)
Look at the swatch on my hand, it suits my skintone very well :D
Actually I got mysterious mosquito bite my hand and left a red dots T___T and I used it as trial to my concealer . . . .

As you can see, it is perfectly cover and hide my red dots. Good job! And in the picture below, can you notice and spot where is my dot? LOL.

Then rubbed hard with napkin, here is the result, fade away a little :)

Now is the MOST CRUCIAL trial: at my under eye to hide my dark circle . . . .

The result is: quite good enough, in the photo you can't really see my dark circle idk maybe because of good lighting in that angle, but actually I had genetically dark circle T_______T *sad*

For me, it really has light coverage with white color on the formula, I hate the moment when applied to my dark circle, it becomes grey! Wth.
But for any blemish/scars, it did its job very well!! :)

What I Like:
♥ Wand applicator
♥ Travel friendly
♥ Perfect coverage for blemish/scars
♥ Nice smell
♥ Not cakey
♥ Good oil control

What I Dislike:
* It has WHITE color when spreaded, instead of SOFT BEIGE! So my dark circle goes to grey =.=' (maybe i should buy an orange concealer to perfectly cover my dark circle)
* Only come in one shade (yeaaahh and its white, sriously.)

Oke, that's all for today, if you want to know do I regret it, I must say not really, since I can use it to my blemish/scars :)
Still think positive, LOL, and this is me, with my bare face (moisturizer, lens, and powder only). Dont wanna hurt my skin with makeup everyday, so sometimes I only use sunscreen/moisturizer then light powder after it...

Thanks for reading and see you!

Pssstt.. Look at my eyes, its shiny because Im using this lens.


  1. hampir mirip punya Missha git, warna light tp bikin grey >_<
    tp packaginya lucu ini!!! :*
    prettttyyyyyyy..:* :*

    1. ihhh males banget wieeee klo kaya gtuuu duhh TT____TT
      makasi cantkkk hehehehe

  2. wah rumah ci gita deket MTA, kapan2 ketemuan yuk ci, pengen banget ketemu ci gita
    btw, itu bagus juga ya holika2, jadi pengen coba >_<

    1. hayuuuukkkk heheheeheh....
      bagus sih tpi mata jadi abu2 bawahnya T_T
      emang rmh km dmanaa?

  3. wew lg cr concealer nh, ini kurng mempan ama gw. Parah bgt dark circlenya. Prnah coba yg dr skinfood?

  4. wah sayang bgt ya rhe cuma satu shadenya, tapi kayaknya lumayan itu untuk blemishes. bekas gigitan nyamuk di tangan km aja gak keliatan ya hihi nice one rhe <3

    1. hahaha iyaaa gigitan nyamuk jadi ilang tpi sayang bgt ga bs buat dark circle T__T
      thanks dear <3

  5. Harga di storenya gimana? Beda jauhkah sama di online shop?
    Just followed you.

    1. hello.. salam kenal :)
      aku gak pernah cek harga di olshop hehehe.. ini sih gak sampe 100rb wktu itu lagi diskon opening store di MTA :)

  6. mmg susah ya nyari yg cocok buat dark circle -_-
    tau ga git, trnyata yg ini ga dimasukin k blanjaanku sm si kasirnya hari itu.. ksel deh klo diingat-ingat.. bzzz..

    1. haaaa? jd kaga kebeli gtu mksdnaaa? :O
      gila banget sih diaaa bzzzz... :O
      susah banget riiinnn ak masi dalam pencarian lgi deh T_T

  7. spintas klihatannya lumayan tp jd abu" gitu y >.<, tp bagus bgt buat nutupin bekas digigit nyamuk, emang bagusny klo concelear yg kuning oranye buat cover dark circle kyk wardah q tuh syukur aja cocok bgt pdhl fungsiny foundie, concelearny pac kykny menarik ce, orange" gitu lmyn buat gantiin concelear palette coastal scent

    1. iya ga banget deh shan masa jadi abu2 bzz.. ahahahah..
      woww.. aku coba ah ntr, kyny emang hrs cari yang orange2 gtu yaaa..
      thanks for info :*

  8. Coba pake phytogenic aja ce x) lumayan buat cover dark circle :)

    1. wowww *langsung search di google
      tapi belinya dmn say :( huhuhu

    2. Wkt tuh aku beli di SG sih, emg beli online ga bsya?

    3. hmmmmmm...aku blm nemu sih olshop yg jual itu, merk yg baru x ni ak denger juga heheh :3

  9. coveragenya cukup oke, tapi sayangnya cuma satu shade ya ce? sama kayak maybelline yg cuma punya satu shade di indonesia. jadi ga bisa milih warna dong ya.

    1. iyaaa cuma 1 shade, ga asik banget yaaa hahahahaha..
      udah gitu di mata jadi abu2 malah heeecapedeehh -_-

  10. mata panda ku uda parah bgt... hiks kalo sehari-hari aku ga pake concealer.. plg klo acara aza.. aq pake yg skin food... lumayan sich... ini bagus ga?

    1. skin food apa namanya ce??
      ya gtu dehhh, buat tutupin bekas luka sih ok, tpi klo yg under eye jelekekkkkkk T_T

  11. You are naturally so pretty :)

  12. Ah sayang banget cuma 1 shade~ iya emang susah ya nyari concealer yg ampuh buat dark circle >__<
    Thanks for the review ce ^^

    1. iya susah banget dah, kalo dark circle bs ilang mah ak ga akan cari2 concealer wkkwkwkw

  13. sayang ya cuma 1 shade >.<
    tapi naksir deh... jadi pengen beli juga nih... hiks hiks

    New post is up..!!

    1. hehehhe.. buat blemish/bekas luka sih OK banget mel :3


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