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REVIEW: Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum

Hei~! Another skin care review from me :)
I got a sample few months ago, Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum, since it says "serum" so I use it as my night treatment before sleep, and I was amazed with the sensation after applying on face.

My face become sooooo smooth in a sudden! I can't stop touching my cheek! And I decided to buy the full version of this magic serum to know more about it.

So last month I bought this baby and bring it home, so happy, I am using this cream/serum every morning and night. Let's see, what is it for sure???? ^^

I always dislike all of Skin Food packaging. It's kinda ugly, like just recycled from trash, really, I adore Innisfree concept of recycled trash, they use soya ink for packaging. Not like skin food packaging that just......ergh.

The explanation from website.

 The actual cream in my hand. It really creamy and white. I hate the smell, it smell like sake (Japanese alcohol), it's really personal, some might love it :)

Spread on skin, the smell just going crazier, LOL, I don't like alcoholic scent, but trust me, IT DOESN'T CONSIST any alcohol, I can feel it, because when applied to skin there's no cooling effect, besides, alcohol will vapor in room temperature for some time, not designed with this packaging of course, so it is alcohol free product.

As you can see, there's no eye-sight effect, like shining, glowing, glittering, or whatever, just plain look, like nothing happen, but I can guarantee you that in five minutes, my skin feel soooo smooth and its like wearing a baby powder above it, really I am not lying, that's why I love this sensation!!! ^^

After use this serum for much times, I can conclude that this product only gives my skin nutrition and minerals, no closing my big pores like it claimed on the advertising. Well, not surprise, just giving the smooth feelings is enough for me.

What I Like:
♥ It has PUMP! Yes, means hygienic.
♥ Travel friendly, the cap is locked good
♥ Creamy texture
♥ Makes my face super smooth
♥ "Baby powder" effect in five minutes lol
PERFECT oil control serum!

What I dislike:
* The sake smell
* Not closing my pores after all
* No changing effects like brightening, glowing, etc (but I don't mind)

The price? I forgeeeeetttt, but's its very super duper pricey if buy in Skin Food store in mall, if you want to try this, my advice is: buy from trusted online shop for cheaper price :)
I got mine is on 50% OFF that day because of birthday promotion *yay!*

Okay, that's all, thanks for reading, and love you all~!


  1. aku pernah coba samplenya, cuma bau nya gak kuat >.< jadi gak pernah beli full size nya :(

    1. iaaaaaaa Yu, emang bauu banget cuma aku tahan2 hahahah
      abis enak lembut banget abis pake ini :3

  2. bentuk botolnya unyu lhoo :3 yg pake juga unyuuuuu sekali :3
    tapi klo bau sake mikir2 dehh *sambil bayangin*

    1. ihiyyy yg komen jg unyu sekalii :3
      hahah iya bau ren, tapi kutahan2 >.<

  3. ini cucok banget racunnya deh >,< jadi pengen nyobain sample nya jugak kan nih jadinya hahaha nice review say <3

    1. iyaaa bau emang tapi bagus banget oil controlnya :D :D
      thanks say!

  4. Love the New look of your blog..

  5. pertama kali nyobain samplenya langsung beliin cowokq full sizenya and he loves it.. lol.. dari yg minyakan banget jd kaya pake bedak n oil controlnya oke..

    1. ihiy yg skarang jadi suami niihhh ya kaaann heheheh senangnya aku juga mau nyusul marrieeeddd (mikirin duit dulu wkkwkwkw)
      iyaaa! oil controlnya oke sekali! thanks jes <3

  6. Jadi pengen buru-buru coba samplenya hahaha
    Thanks reviewnya Gita cantik ^_^

    1. heheheh cb ce ntr share :D
      sama2 cc cantiikkss <3

  7. uhuyy cantik banget ce *kok jd salah fokus, waduh baunya kayak sake tp g mngandung alkohol jd bingung @_@ bikin sengak gitu y ce pas kecium ?

    1. iya gak enak gtu pas nyium kaya aroma2 aneh hadehhh baunya ga enak deh shan, tpi pas pake hasilnya di muka enak banget >D<
      thanks pretty shan!

  8. cantiknya ga kira kira deh, salah fokus nih bukan ke produknya malah ke rheanya hahahaha ~(~*.*)(*.*~)~

    1. ahhh neng geulis yang keceee nih bkin saya tersipu aja hahah
      makasiii non ipaaah <3

  9. emang bisa bertahan berapa lama ci buat oil controlnya?? jadi pengen coba
    tapi belum pernah cium bau sake, jadi ga bisa bayangin baunya >.<
    eh itu muka mulus amat yah, cewek minta tanda tangannya dong.
    baru ngeh ciee yang uda pkae lashes sekarang, ayo ci lanjutkan ^-^

    1. berAC ruangan bisa 6 jam-an, tapi mukaku gak oily sih, tipe normal-combi jadi cm oily di T-zone ajah..heheheh..
      ahhh kamu juga mulussss XD
      makasiii yaaa cantik!

  10. aku dulu pernah pake tp ga suka jg sm wanginya.. >.<
    dan mmg sih dipake jd smooth gt ya git.. hihi.. ud eksis bnget ini serum sihh.. XD

    1. iya rinnn baunyaaa gilaakk banget embur T_T
      ini ditahan2in wkkwkwkw.. iya eksisss kaya kamuuu <3 <3 hihihi

  11. hi!!! i always wanted to try this *.* may i ask you two questions? does it contain parabens? and do you need to apply also moisturize cream after it ? thank you <3

    1. hellooo
      1. no dear, it is save ^^
      2. no need, because it moist my face enough

      hope it helps ^^

    2. *.* no parabens, good for pore and moist ?!? I WILL BUY IT FOR SUREEEEE THANK YOU <3 <3 <3 *.* i'm loving you in this moment :-*

    3. you can buy the sample for trial ^^
      thanks sweetieee <3

  12. wah lum pernah tw aromax sake.. hehe.. packaging nya cute banget n kykx stelah pke itu kliatanx kulit km jd lebih putih gitu ya... boleh jg nih dicoba... hihi...

    1. lebih putih dikit sih (dikiiiit) hahahahah
      boleee coba ajaa enak <3

  13. Pernah coba nih yang peach sake, emang bagus buat oily skin, mana gak heavy lagi diwajah, tapi emang wajahku belum perlu serum jadi kutinggalkan sajalah :P, lha aku malah seneng bau sakenya Xp

    1. hahaha...iyah emanngg...
      aku malah ga senengg lol
      emang beda2 sihh XD

  14. lovely review, i love skinfood products, they smell so good! can't wait to try this out *_* and you look really pretty in your selcas!!!♡

    (Join my blog International Giveaway ♡! 21 items- lots of Japanese makeup and beauty products including cosmetics from Diamond Beauty, Candydoll, Dollywink, etc!)

  15. wah jadi pengen coba..oil controlnya kayaknya menggiurkan... baunya..kok byk yg protes ya ? jadi bikin ragu.. :p

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