Hello Ladies! Anyone here excited with The Body Shop Instablur vs Etude House Beauty Shot Faceblur ??? I am sooooo excited to share this to you all!
I bought The Body Shop Instablur at store and the Etude House Beauty Shot Faceblur was given to me from Bell's Etude House for review purpose. Bell's is my only one online shop if I wanna buy EH products :)
Let's see this full complete BATTLE and choose your own winner!
My points are:
- TBS Instablur has classy packaging like always, with classic black and white tube bottled. While EH Facblur has pretty cute pastel pinky pump bottled.
- TBS Instablur was made in Thailand, EH Faceblur was made in Korea. Both countries are very professional in makeup and beauty.
- TBS Instablur has 24 months lifespan, and EH Faceblur has 18 months.
- TBS Instablur doesn't contains SPF, EH Faceblur has 15 SPF.
- Both of them are light weighted and travel friendly.
- Both of them have sterile packaging.
My points are:
- TBS Instablur has "white - greyish" balm texture just like Lioele Secret Pore Rich Balm. While EH Faceblur has light "pinkish" liquid texture.
- TBS Instablur has bad smell (if you get your nose closer to the balm). EH Faceblur has lovely smell (love it!).
- TBS Instablur balm is really fragile! You has to be careful because it can easily drop if you're not quick enough to spread it into your face.
- EH Faceblur has usual liquid texture, so no problem with that at all.
- When applied on face, TBS Instablur will blend easily to skin and make translucent MATTE and blur finish. My skin feel so soft to touch!
- When applied on face, EH Faceblur will quite not too easy to blend, and it brighten up your skintone! It has GLOWY and blur finish. A bit sticky at first minutes.
- Both of the products are only base/primer, we need to add another good and light coverage like bb-cream or loose powder :)
- Both of the products make the makeup last longer and suitable for dry to normal skin. I don't recommend this to anyone who has oily skin type.
- For the BLUR effect, I pick TBS Instablur as the winner with score 90/100. While EH Faceblur has 85/100 score!
Left: bare face - Right: with Etude House Beauty Shot Faceblur
Left: bare face - Right: with The Body Shop Instablur
My points are:
- They are very GREAT and amazing product! I love both of them.
- They also don't really noticeable at real life, but VERY helping when it comes to SELFIE! :p
- You can get TBS Instablur at around 22US$ and EH Faceblur at around 15US$ at Bell's Etude House of course! (you can add more 5% off mentioning code 'rheablog')
- For anyone who loves to selfie, you should buy one of this!
That's all Ladies, I hope this battle can help you to find out the perfect product for your base. Now you may choose your winner!!! ^^
Till next battle~
woah thats like serious blurring!!!!
Maliha Rao / Red Alice Rao
yes it is :D
Deletewoohoo akhirnya ada yg review etude house face blur, efeknya beneran bagus buat selfie ce. eh tapi yg TBS kok lebih kece lagi ya :3
ReplyDeletetapi tapi I have oily skin, so I guess it's not really long lasting on me *mewek di pojokkan*
thanks reviewnya ce gita :*
iyaa ak juga penasran terus hahaha...bagus viii, iya sih lebih matte klo TBS.
Deletehmmm, mgkn bisa bertahan sih di oily tp cm bbrp jam. Soalnya kulitku normal kan, pake mereka lama2 minyakan gitu >.<
Wah bikin berminyak ya?
ReplyDeletelumayan lin, tpi yg TBS gak terlalu sih :)
DeleteWahhh, jadi tambah penasaran sama produk ini. Punyaku lagi pesen nih hoho
ReplyDeleteNice review Gita ^0^
thanks cc :*
Deleteiyaaa bagus loh hehehe
whoaaa mantaap perbedaanya ce *o* waktu itu ak prn pke tp g bgtu klihatan tyt ps br difoto y kelihatan, ihhh pengeennn
ReplyDeleteiya shann, klo di real life emang ga keliatan sama sekali hehehe
DeleteWhat a shame I have oily skin, because these products sound great. You can really see the difference in your photos!
yes its true, but not too real in real life hehe
Deletewoaa interested sama face blur EH tp bikin oily ya :(
iya wi, lumayan, kulitku yg normal aja jd minyakan, tpi dia melembapkan gitu oily nya
ReplyDeletedua dua nya bagus ^^ jdi blur beneran kekeke
@freddy_friday blog
iyaaa freddy hhehee <3
Deletewah efek blurnya bisa bikin lupa sama aplikasi edit foto ya, keren banget! tapi kayaknya aku nggak bakal kuat sama oily-nya :/
ReplyDeleteiya naa, emg agak oily di kulitku yg tipe normal >.< tapi worth a try kok, coba aja sampel nya dulu hehehe :D
DeleteWaaa pengen cb yg EH jadinyaa ♥♥
ReplyDeleteNice comparison post git ^^
iya bagus vee, cobain dehhhhh <3 <3
Deletemakasi cayang hehe
EH lebih bersahabat harganya :P.
ReplyDeleteditambah warnanya jauh lebih hidup, ahahahaa~~
Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D
Iyaaaa heheheeh <3
DeleteWow great post! very helpful, I really wanted to try the face blur since everyone seems to be getting it ^^
ReplyDeletehope you stop by my blog and check it out!
Yes it is XD
DeleteThankyou Rae :)
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ReplyDeleteThank you review-nya! Dari kemarin emang bingung mau pilih yang mana, akhirnya keburu beli FaceBlur. Lain kali harus coba TBS deh
ReplyDeleteMasama~~ iyahh hehe tapi klo aku personally lebih suka face blur ^^