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REVIEW: BeautyLabo Hair Dye - Raspberry Pink

Hey pretty! How are you? I want to share the very FIRST time I dye my hair all head. I once dyed my hair in pink, then magenta, then maroon, but always in partial head. Now, I got BeautyLabo hair color from Kawai Beauty Japan. Thanks! So let's we start this!

I was a little bit nervous since this is the first time I finally let my virgin hair be gone :p

I like pink, actually I want that "ashy pink" on my hair. You will get these stuff inside Beautylabo box:

Simply mix cream colorant from number 1 with cream developer number 2. First it was yellow and white then It turned out become dark purple~

Spread the liquid all over the head. I asked my dad to help me lol~ Cannot dye my hair alone :(

After 45 minutes, I washed my hair with shampoo until the water is really has no color. But I get bit disappointed because the color isn't going out as I expected. My hair is still soooo dark (though it's not pure black anymore), only some bleached hair from last year coloring that stand out.

I can see a quite good dark chocolate color (not pink) under the bright light and under the sun light. The rest is: still black, lol. It's not because of the Beautylabo I guess, it's only my hair is so pigmented and still virgin. And I think if I dye my hair at home again, I need 2 boxes! 

The result will be different for every person, depends on the hair condition. For now, I am resting my hair from any coloring chemical, but after a hiatus, I would love to dye my hair with brunette color, what do you think? :D

Thanks Kawai Beauty Japan and Beautylabo!


  1. Mungkin karena rambut ce gita masih virgin ya, jadi hasilnya belum kelihatan banget. Soalnya setauku aku orang2 yg nge-dye rambut mereka, sampai berulang-ulang diwarnai biar dapet warna yg diinginkan. hihi ga sabar pingin ngeliat ce gita with brunette hair color. >_<

    1. ahh iya nih dev :( ternyata emg karena itu ya huhuh..
      ahh jadi malu, makasi deviiii xoxoxo

  2. lumayan sih kalo kena cahaya baru keliatan.
    memang dasar rambut super hitam huahaha..

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