Hello Ladies~ I know most of you will be drooling with this series: MISSHA x LINE FRIENDS !! OMG they are so adorable! I want to HAVE THEM ALL if I could *look at wallet*
But anyway, I got myself the cushion, BROWN magic cushion, actually they had two cushions: SALLY AND BROWN. Sally is the yellow stupid duck face lol - is for dry skin, and Brown the poker face - is for normal skin.
I should bring Sally home due to my dry skin type, but I can't resist the cuteness of Brown so I pick Brown instead of Sally~
POOR the packaging box is broken *cry
YOU GOT THREE CUSHIONS inside the box and tell me that this is not a good deal, I will GOGGLE my eyes on you!!! *seriously* really worth the price!
I love the sponge, just like Etude House's cushion, very soft. And it has brown design on it. But I DISLIKE the cushion packaging material, it's like cheap plastic and very fragile~!!!
I picked the most light color, and the result is it blends well in my skin and looks so natural! I freaking love this baby!
You can see my FULL COMPLETE review about Missha Brown Magic Cushion in my video, I talk about everything in it. Please do comment and subs too okay? ^^
Overall, I really recommend this for you because it worth every penny you spent.
WHERE TO BUY? Always here: www.koreabuys.com for my Korean cosmetics supplies, they are awesome!!
See you at next post!
Cute banget packaging Missha ini :*
ReplyDeleteFavorit cushion seh missha neh. Hehe
iyah aku juga suka produk2 missha hehe
DeleteIya neh. Missha juga cute2 terus packaging nya ya.
DeleteYak ampoonnn itu kenapa packagingnya imoooottt bngtttt.. Pingiiiinnn... :)
ReplyDeletehehehe lucuk yaaa :3
Deleteini unyu bangettt git..
ReplyDeleteeh itu dpt refill 2 yaaa *O* ga abis2 dong.. brp tuh git?
iya veeeee dapet 2! hmm skitar 240 ya ak beli
DeleteMine just arrived so I can't wait to try it out XD Thanks for the review <3
yaaayyy enjoy brown :D
Deleteseriously packagingnya superr cute banget git <3
ReplyDeleteiya nih shaaaa packaging of the year deh ahha
Deletegemesssh banget sama packagingnya ce >_< mungkin bakalan lebih sering aku pelototin cushionnya dari pada dipakenya haha
ReplyDeletehahahah iya deviiiii aku bangga gitu bawa kemana2 lol
Deletelucu bangettttt... mau mau mauuuu jugaaaa :P
iya yaaa lucuuuuuuuu emessh
Deletecuttteee ~~~ ak jg beli yg brown XD worth it bgt, hrga nya affordable dpt 3 cushion XD
ReplyDeletebenerrr hehehe ccok di kulit jadi seneng deh
DeleteHai kak aku tanya seller nya yg jual cushion isinya hanya refill cushion 1 dan puff 1. Kakak beli yg refill cushion ny 2 kok bisa ya?
DeleteHai kak aku tanya seller nya yg jual cushion isinya hanya refill cushion 1 dan puff 1. Kakak beli yg refill cushion ny 2 kok bisa ya?
DeleteI remember seeing these on ibuybeauti , I SERIOUSLY WANTED THE EYESHADOW PALETTE :'( the whole collection is just ...too cuute. Been wanting to try Missha's cushions for a while because they're one of the most affordable , glad they're worth the do$h :D
ReplyDelete~Weng wengiful
yessss you should go try one, i think you will love them too since they had a reallyyy good quality with cute packaging :D
Deleteaaaak.. jadi pengen jugaaa. tapi cushion masih banyak @@ *TAHANNNN TAHAAAN*
ReplyDeleteheheheeh iyaaa lucu yaaaaa XD XD
DeleteKayak bakal beli yg Brown walaupun tipe kulit dry... *Banci packaging lol
ReplyDeletehahahah tos dluuuuu~
DeleteDimana ya ce belinya yg dpt 2 refill gtu?
ReplyDeleteuda kliling ollshop cm dpt 1 refil dgn hrg 250k
iyaaa sekarang dari Missha korea nya yang membatasi jd setiap pembelian cuma dapat 1 refill :) Lucky me rite hehe
Deletekak mau nanya dong ini finish nya gmn ya? kata kakak rekomen ga cushion ini buat oily skin? trs di dalam refillnya dikasih puff lagi ga? makasih kak :)
ReplyDeleterefillnya ga dapat puff lagi setelah aku buka. untuk details pertanyaan km lainnya aku ada ulas di videonya kok, ditonton yah ;) ;)
Deletekak mau nanya dong ini finish nya gmn ya? kata kakak rekomen ga cushion ini buat oily skin? trs di dalam refillnya dikasih puff lagi ga? makasih kak :)
ReplyDeletehaiii, iya ini aku beli pas pertama kali banget launch, klo sekarang2 emang cuma dapet 1 refill doang :( missha nya rugi kyny hehe lucky me :D
1:57 pm, July 10, 2016Mba, hasilnya bagus mana brown vs sally? Jenisku sama ky kamu mba, kering gitu. Kulit kering harusnya pake yg sally ya? Tp kok aku tertarik nya sm case brown nya ya? Jd dilema mau pilih yg mana... huhuhu
ReplyDeletebisa juga pake brown, aku pun kering pake brown gpp :D
DeleteHi ms. Rhea I buy Missha X Brown Magic cushion on Ebay, and it is still on shipping as of yet. hmm waiting for it to arrive..
ReplyDeletei was so curious inside the box. you said 3 cushion, it means it has a cushion on case, then a 2 extra refill?? O.O
OMG!!!! i just thought is just 2.. ang the case has no cushion inside..
I can't wait to arrive my order now... OMG!!!
that is nice..
hiii there~ for the MIssha's very first collection they gave 2 refills inside the box, but nowadays, Missha only give one refill too bad :(