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REVIEW: Garnier Micellar Water

Hii Babes! Nowadays micellar water becomes so popular in beauty industry. I also prefer micellar water than oil remover. And I present to you Garnier Micellar Water tadaaaaa~!!

It has no smell at all, no sticky feeling, no weird sensation, and no greasy - it is water with technology. Super loveeee this baby really, I can get my makeup off without feeling sticky and in pain :D

It has two bottles: pink for the sensitive skin and blue for the oily skin. But when I apply the two of them, I feel no differences lol. They work very well even for my waterproof makeup! I love you Garnier (it's affordable of course).

I can even remove my makeup with napkin (not cotton) whenever I travel or in a rush and I didnt bring any cotton. It didnt hurt me. 

Overall, I am now really cant live without this baby. Honestly sometimes I didnt wash my face after micellar water but don't follow thatttt hahahaha, we still need to clean with water and cleansing cream - event after micellar water we feel very clean :)

Tell me what do you think? :D


  1. favoritku, aku nyetok 5 pas awal muncul dulu..sekarang tinggal 2 botol..hiks hiksss

  2. Belum nyobaaaaa nih, kebetulan NIVEA kupunya sisa sebotol dari 4 botol nyetock ahahahahahhaahaha xD
    Prefer loreal atau ini ta???

    1. hahahaa menurutku pribadi bagusan iniiii daripada L.. Tapi L oke juga sih hehehe cuma ini lebih affordable deh

  3. uuh, sepertinya menarik. harus dicoba nih :D

  4. Mau nyobain yang biru ah abis ini gara" keracunan mbak rhea hihi


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